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  • Nanosoft Systems, Inc. Business Partner SAP,MI.
    Nanosoft Systems, Inc. is proud to announce the opening of its SAP Innovation Center. The primary products and solutions that Nanosoft supports are focused on the SAP software: the market-leading Peoplesoft,Mercator,Seibel and all other major offerings. Nanosoft started working closely with SAP since 1999 and became a Nation Implementation Partner.A particular focus will be given to the Express family of SAP products, designed for medium- and small-sized businesses.

  • Nanosoft is proud to be one of a few selected IBM business partners ..Nanosoft started working closely with IBM since October 2002 and became the premier business partner.

  • A company that delivers a compelling price / performance and a place for career growth to employees---Times,Newyork,2005

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